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Midsummer Blot – Summer Solstice
The longest day of the year. Balder’s sacrifice is honored with the shortening of days.
Kvasi Fest – First Harvest
The first harvest is celebrated. The deities Kvasir and Sif are honored on this day.
Autumn Blot
The Autumn Equinox is celebrated September 22nd.
Hel’s Feast
Hel's Feast is celebrated October 31 as a night of remembrance for the dead and of fraternization with spirits.
Yule Feast – Winter Solstice
Yule Feast is celebrated December 21, a festival of light celebrating Baldur's return.
Spring Blot – Vernal Equinox
Spring Blot is celebrated on the Spring Equinox. March 19 is the 2020 date.